Category: Boilers

There’s never a good time for your boiler to quit on you, but the worst time may be when winter is knocking at the door. Inconvenient though it may be, this is one of the most common times for boilers to break down. After it’s been more or less inactive through the summer and fall, […]

Boilers can be dangerous if they are not maintained properly. Avoid issues by having your system serviced at least once a year by a trained and licensed boiler to keep it running safely and efficiently. Keep in mind that, in most areas, technicians who work on boilers need special training, a specific set of tools, […]

If you have an older boiler in your home, you should really consider installing a modern boiler system. You will find these newer models to be smaller and far more efficient than their older counterparts. In fact, some modern boiler systems can be up to 95 percent more efficient than older models, delivering more heat […]

Unless you’re an HVAC professional, chances are shopping for a new boiler system will be challenging due to the variety of terms you’ll need to figure out to make sense of recommendations, specifications, and even peer reviews. That’s why taking a few moments now to learn about what some of these terms mean will help […]

According to Energy Star, half of the energy in your home is used for heating and cooling. Therefore, it follows that the decisions you make about your home’s heating system can affect both your budget and your comfort.  While a forced air system can cost less to install, and costs about the same as a […]

This is part two of an article on picking out the right boiler for your home. If you missed the first post, please take a moment to check it out. Without further delay, let’s continue on with some of the key points to watch for as you shop. How Does the Boiler Vent? Venting is […]

Picking the right boiler for your home is an important task. Whether you are moving into a new home and you need to select a boiler as part of the construction process, or you are replacing an old boiler in an existing home, there are a few things you will need to keep in mind. […]

If your Maryland or Pennsylvania home uses a boiler to stay warm during the cold winter months, you may be thinking about updating that boiler in the near future. Doing so can provide you with benefits in terms of efficiency and performance, but you need to know what you are looking for in order to […]